Daniel . . . three times a day . . . prayed . . . as was his custom since his early days (Dan 6:10)
Daniel was a man of conviction. Even the threat of the lion’s den did not move him away from his godly habits. He built his life around life-producing priorities. In contrast, the prophet Malachi rebuked the people of his day for giving their leftovers to the Lord (see Malachi chapter one). Un- like Daniel, they began to view God as a burden rather than a delight. Two things cause convictions that burn in our hearts which become non-negotiable: 1) loving God’s presence, and 2) a strong vision for the future. Without these, we will only give God our leftovers.

Areas of Convictions
Here are areas for your convictions to develop in: time with God and His Word, fellowship and worship, serving in ministry, financial giving, speaking God’s promises, prioritizing our family, having strong accountability relationships, and putting ourselves in places where God’s power can touch our lives and the lives of others.
Like Daniel, do you have spiritual non-negotiable con- victions? Or are you fighting the “leftover battle” as the people in Malachi’s day? Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Build your schedule around God’s priorities like never before. You won’t be sorry.
Today's Declaration
Declare: I give God the first portion of my life and He takes care of all my needs. I am a person of conviction. I have do- minion over my life and my time. I burn with a personal vi- sion that leads me to sacrifice for God and His presence.
Checklist to Ignite Faith: ___ BR ___ RD ___ DD ___OD ___ NF
Pay special attention to the convictions on my heart about my life. I want to prioritize those convictions over everything else.