The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away (Job 1:21)
What are we to infer from the above statement by Job? Does this mean that God can, and sometimes will, “take away” our family, our health, our finances, and our possessions as part of His plan for our lives?

We know God inspired all of scripture, but not every quote in the Bible are God’s thoughts. For instance, the book of Ecclesiastes was written by a backslidden Solomon. God inspired this entire book to be in the Bible, but we cannot ac- cept every conclusion from Solomon in Ecclesiastes as God’s thoughts – because this writing is primarily an illustra- tion of the cynicism and purposelessness that results from rejecting God.
Check your Belief
Job’s attitude of loving and blessing God during the toughest of times is powerful and is an example for us. We should not however allow Job’s experience and conclusions to create our beliefs concerning the reason for negative things in life. If we accept a theology that the Lord gives and the Lord takes away in the areas of our health, protection, and loved ones; then there can be little faith in prayer. This would not be consistent with the message of the New Covenant.
Today's Declaration
Declare: Jesus has come to give me a more abundant life. The enemy is a thief seeking to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). I resist him in Jesus’ name.
Final Thoughts
Our conclusions about Job, or Paul’s “thorn in the flesh,” and other such areas will have much to do with our level of victory and influence for Christ.