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Writer's picture: Tim MinksTim Minks

Who Do You Think You Are! (Part 1)

. . . but your name shall be called Abraham (Gen. 17:5)

Abram received a promise that his descendents would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand of the seashore. The problem was that he was very old, and his wife was past childbearing years and had been barren all of her life. The prophetic word concerning his innumerable de- scendents was laughable to the landlocked mind. Well, after more than two decades of no manifestation of the promise, it seemed even more impossible. Although Abram’s faith grew, there was still no baby for Sarah and him. Finally, at 100 years old, they had their promised son, Isaac (which means laughter). What made the difference? The key change was this: Abram’s name was changed to Abraham (which means “father of a multitude”). As Abram called himself by the promises of God, “he was strengthened in faith” and saw the promise come to pass. (See Ro- mans 4 for insight on this process.) So who do you think you are? Is your identity shaped by your past or by the promises of God? Your answer will largely determine whether God’s seemingly laughable promises over your life will come to pass.

Declare: I am who God says I am. I can do what He says I can do. I will see His promises come to pass in me as I speak His promises over my life.

Checklist to Ignite Faith: ___ BR ___ RD ___ DD ___OD ___ NF

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Katrina King
Katrina King
Feb 09, 2022

Claiming that I am highly favored by my God and that he will surely provide for all of my needs, spiritually, relationally, financially, and in health for I am his child, a child of the all mighty king!


Beth Winters
Beth Winters
Feb 09, 2022

I never put that together how Abram’s name being changed to Abraham made the difference with the promise. Amazing how important it is to speak His promises!

Katrina King
Katrina King
Feb 09, 2022
Replying to

I didn't either Beth! I often thought, why did God change his name? Now it all makes since!

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