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Appendix Declarations

Writer's picture: Tim MinksTim Minks
Appendix One - Declarations

A note on these declarations: We won’t have something just because we say something, but saying some- thing is necessary to having it. If at the beginning of the 40 days, you don’t understand fully why these three sets of declarations are important; then speak them by faith anyway. Some of the first devotionals will give clarity as to their importance.

Declarations #1 The following ten basic declarations are foundational to the building of your faith. They will increase expectancy of God’s goodness; and will thus increase the manifestation of that goodness in your life. Say these (and the other declarations lists) every day for a month and see what happens to your life. (Romans 4:17; Romans 10:9,10)

  1. My prayers are powerful and effective (2 Corinthians 5:21; James 5:16b).

  2. God richly supplies all my needs (Philippians4:19).

  3. I am dead to sin and have a victorious DNA in me (Romans 6:11; Romans 5:17).

  4. I walk in ever-increasing health (Isaiah53:3-5;Psalms 103:1-5).

  5. I live under a supernatural protection (Psalm 91, He- brews 8:6).

  6. I prosper in all my relationships(Luke2:52).

  7. I consistently bring God encounters to other people (Mark 16:17,18; Acts 3:6).

  8. In Jesus, I am 100% loved and worthy to experience all of God’s blessings (Colossians 1:12-15).

  9. Each of my family members is wonderfully blessed and radically loves Jesus (Acts 16:30.31).

  10. I laugh when I hear a lie from the devil (Psalms 2:2-4).

Declarations #2

Remember this: Faith is the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). God’s promises, not our circumstances, are our “evidence” for what is really true. We don’t deny negative facts in our lives, but we choose to focus on the higher reality of God’s truth. Faith indeed comes by hearing (Romans 10:17); therefore, we choose to speak these powerful truths to build our own faith (believing Romans 12:2 – that our experience will catch up to our beliefs).

  1. I set the course of my life with my words (James 3:2- 5; Proverbs 18:21).

  2. God is on my side; therefore, I declare that I cannot be defeated (Romans 8:37; Psalms 91; Philippians 4:13).

  3. I am the head, not the tail. I have insight. I have wis- dom. I have ideas and divine strategies. I have authority (Deuteronomy 8:18; 28:13; James 1:5-8; Luke 10:19).

  4. My family and those connected to us are protected from disasters, disease, divorce, adultery, poverty, false accusation, foolish decisions and all accidents (Psalm 91).

  5. As Abraham did, I speak God’s promises over my life so that my faith is strengthened to possess all of God’s promises (Romans 4:17-23).

  6. I have a sound mind. I think the right thoughts, say the right words, and make the right decisions in every situation I face (2 Timothy 1:7).

  7. I expect to have powerful, divine appointments today to heal the sick, raise the dead, prophesy life, lead people to Christ, bring deliverance, release signs and wonders, and bless every place I go (the book of Acts).

  8. I expect that today will be the best day of my life spiri- tually, emotionally, relationally, and financially in Jesus’ name (Romans 15:13).

Declarations #3 One of the main “methods” Jesus and the apostles used (in the gospels and Acts) was to SPEAK TO things. You will notice that they did not ask God to heal people, cast out demons, or raise the dead; but they spoke to bodies, demons, the wind, etc. Jesus encourages us to speak to mountains in Mark 11:23. This set of declarations specifically focuses on our speaking to the various aspects in our lives. ,

  1. My angels are carrying out the Word of God on my behalf (Psalm 103:20).

  2. All attacks that were headed my way are diverted right now through angelic protection in Jesus’ name (Psalm 91).

  3. Just as Jesus spoke to the wind, I say, “Peace be still to my mind, emotions, body and family” (Mark 4:39).

  4. I speak to every mountain of discouragement, stress, depression and lack, and say, “Be cast it into the sea in Jesus’ name” (Mark 11:22-24).

  5. I say to this day, You are blessed. And I declare that I serve a mighty God, who today will do exceedingly and abundantly beyond all that I can ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). I say you are a good God, and I eagerly anticipate your goodness today.

Appendix Two - Negativity Fast What a Negativity Fast is Not:

  1. It is not denying that problems exist.

  2. It is not “stuffing things” that are wrong.

  3. It is not critical of others who may be struggling.

  4. It is not irresponsible concerning things that need to be done.

What a Negativity Fast Is: 1. It is determining to focus more on God’s promises than on problems. 2. It is learning to speak with hope about even the toughest of issues. 3. It is becoming “solution focused” rather than “problem focused.” 4. It is refraining from reacting and giving voice to pessimism, criticism of others, self-criticism and other forms of unbelief. 5. It is speaking about problems to the right people in the right way. 6. It is replacing negative words & thoughts with positive words and thoughts based on the promises of God.

Note: It is crucial to not only stop thinking and speaking unbelief and negativity; but to grow in thinking and speaking the positive – truth, the promises of God, praising God, encouragement to others and thanksgiving. The negative must be replaced with the positive in order for this fast to be effective.

Igniting Faith in 40 Days has been used by many as a daily devotional book to read during a personal or group 40 day negativity fast.

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